Crafting a Unique Home With Granny Chic Treasures

by | Apr 2024

Antique Grandfather Clock

Photo: Interior Impressions

Step into the latest trend in interior design: Granny Chic. For us at Interior Impressions, it’s not just a trend; it’s a timeless approach we’ve embraced for years. The secret? Embracing vintage finds.

Sustainability is key, and opting for vintage pieces is a stylish way to reduce environmental impact. By shopping at places like thrift stores, attending estate sales and exploring antique shops, you not only find treasures, but also contribute to a greener planet. Each piece has a story to tell and adds a unique flair to your space—a far cry from mass-produced items. Vintage shopping is a journey, and the thrill lies in discovering one-of-a-kind gems that you won’t find in mainstream stores. It’s about curating a home that reflects your personality and tells a story. Estate sales unveil hidden treasures, and antique shops are treasure troves of history waiting to be rediscovered.

So, ditch the cookie-cutter trends, and join us in celebrating the enduring charm of Granny Chic. Make your space a reflection of your individuality, just like we’ve been doing at Interior Impressions for years.

Amy Leferink is the founder and principal designer for Interior Impressions, and Megan Koren is its marketing director. Find out more about them at


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