Getting Personal with George Washington

Eagle Valley Golf Course 2600 Double Eagle Lane, Woodbury, MN

We focus on the person side of Washington – the exasperated son, the husband, the slave owner and country gentleman. Learn of his ambition, his financial problems, his obsessions with punctuality and his appearance and of his fear of not being quite good enough for the positions he held. Ages 18 and older.


Smartphone Security

R.H. Stafford Library 8595 Central Park Place, Woodbury, MN

Do you worry about privacy and security on your mobile phone? This seminar at R.H. Stafford Library discusses what you need to know to make wise choices about security settings that suit you, how to configure them, and how to check that your settings are correct. Registration is required.


An Egg-cellent Breakfast

Dodge Nature Center Shepard Farm Property 8946 70th Street S, Cottage Grove, MN

Break out of your shell and try some eggs. Join us for a delicious Saturday morning in the kitchen at Shepard Farm. Try a variety of eggs from our farm to see if farm–fresh eggs are all they are cracked up to be.


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