Photo: Liz Ducept
Woodbury photographer finds a friend in the reeds.
Each month, we feature one of the photos from our 2018 Focus on Woodbury photo contest. This month, we asked photographer Liz Ducept to tell us about “Among the Reeds,” which took first place in our Wildlife & Nature category.
Where did you take the photo?
The photo was taken at Pioneer Park in August of 2018. There is a beautiful pond with many reeds there and the birds were very active that day.
What kind of camera did you use?
I used my Nikon D3300, a 55-200mm lens, and got right down in the reeds.
What’s your favorite thing about the image, or what struck you about the scene and inspired you to take it?
I think my favorite thing is the overall coloring, the light pastel hues of the background and the coloring of the bird itself.
Tell us more about your art background.
Fall is my favorite time of the year. I am lucky enough to work at a high-end picture frame shop, so I see a lot of original art come through, and it’s really inspiring to see it all. I even got to be a judge in an art competition recently; that was an amazing experience.