Photographer captures the spirit of the season in her own little elf.
Each month, we feature one of the photos from our 2018 Focus on Woodbury photo contest. This month, we asked photographer Mackenzie Harding to tell us about “Decking New Halls,” which took first place in our People & Families category.
When and where did you take the photo?
We moved into a new home a couple weeks before Christmas and I took this photo a few days after moving in. We were unpacking Christmas decorations and I was struck by the simplicity of the scene.
What kind of camera did you use?
A Canon 6D Markii and 50mm lens.
What’s your favorite thing about the image?
I loved the white space, serene expression and the seasonal aspect to it. I love taking photos of children and families in their own element. I love lifestyle photography because it gives the opportunity for personality of the subject and storytelling to come through.
What’s your photography background?
I started Mackenzie Merrill Photography five years ago. Originally from [the] New York City area … It has been through the lens of photography I’ve been able to see the beauty of Minnesota and her people. I’m proud to call myself a Minnesotan!
The winners of our 2019 Focus on Woodbury contest have been announced online! Click here to see the list. Starting next month, winning photographs from our 2019 contest will appear in the magazine—stay tuned!