Meet Outstanding Students From the Class of 2025

by | Aug 2024

Stephanie Abrokwah

Photos: Chris Emeott

Our 2024 Senior Spotlight students are passionate about leadership and inclusion.

Readers, I welcome you to meet a few wonderful up-and-coming 12th-grade students. You’ll discover a batch of students who are passionate about leadership and inclusion, and who, coincidentally, all have a desire to end up in the health care field. These students, all who hail from Woodbury, are involved and determined to leave a positive imprint on their schools.

Each year, we ask local high school principals, teachers, counselors and staff to nominate students who best exemplify each school’s core values. Continue reading to learn more about five local students—from the educators who nominated them to the students themselves.

Stephanie Abrokwah

Woodbury High School (WHS)

“Throughout her high school career, Stephanie has been deeply involved in various leadership roles. She is an active member of the WHS Student Ambassadors and the SoWashCo Student Ambassadors, where she has demonstrated exceptional commitment and enthusiasm for representing her peers and our school district. One of Stephanie’s most notable achievements is her upcoming role as a student representative on the school board. This prestigious position speaks volumes about Stephanie’s character, work ethic and dedication to serving her school and community. Stephanie is also a valued member of the leadership board for the WHS Black Student Union, where she has played an integral role in promoting diversity, inclusion and cultural awareness within our school. Academically, Stephanie excels in rigorous coursework, challenging herself to achieve her highest potential … Beyond her impressive achievements, Stephanie is known among her peers for her easygoing nature and positive attitude. She is a joy to be around, always uplifting those around her and creating a welcoming environment for all.” —Julie Onken, AVID teacher

What is an achievement that you are most proud of?

… The connection forged through a simple yet powerful word, “Yes.” This word opened doors to leadership roles in school and church activities … As a freshman, I sought a sense of belonging and found it in my school’s active Black Student Union. Over time, I grew to love the community it offered and decided to contribute on a deeper level by running for and winning a position on the public relations team. This experience taught me that connection is not straightforward, but it involves adaptation, mutual learning and manifests itself in diverse ways.

What is something that your peers may not know about you?

I’m a big fan of movies and films, and diving into various genres like romance, action and drama are at the top of my list.

What person in history would you like to invite to your graduation?

Phillis Wheatley because I admire her deep love for education, especially literature.

What brings you joy?

I can’t think of anyone more important to me than my brother and sister.

What one item is always in your backpack?

… My headphones, aka my lifeline, are always attached to my backpack.

What’s next after high school?

… Attending a four-year college to major in biology and continue studying American Sign Language. My ultimate goal is to become a dermatologist.

Extracurriculars, Clubs and Sports:
  • Black Student Union
  • Color Me Beautiful
  • District Ambassadors
  • Student Ambassadors
  • Student Council
Santiago (Santi) Keefer

Hill-Murray School

Santiago (Santi) Keefer

“Santi is intelligent, upbeat, focused and genuinely well-rounded. His passion, drive and maturity are contagious to all those who are around him … I have taught for 25 years, and he is truly one of the most fun, humble and genuine students I have had the pleasure of teaching.” —Serene Deuth, science teacher

“Santi’s focus on the good of the whole community is a part of who he is and is present every day in the way he leads his life. His devotion to service and the betterment of the whole shines through in his many volunteer roles. Santi can be seen supporting new students, helping at food shelves and giving back to the Hill-Murray community whenever given a chance. Santi embodies all of Hill-Murray’s core values but in particular, his ethical leadership, strengthening and sharing his gifts to serve not only the Hill-Murray community by all, is a testament of the young man he is.” —Jenny Vinck, counselor

What is an achievement that you are most proud of?

… I knew that I had a good shot at making it far in the section tournament … After months of training, section qualifiers came and I was the only underclassman to make the finals. Overall, I was ninth place out of 18 for the 800-meter (out of 17 upperclassmen), and last year, I made it once again to the section finals for the 800-meter. I was extremely proud of myself for working through trials and tribulations, including intimidation from older runners, to complete my goals.

What is something that your peers may not know about you?

… I am 50 percent Argentine and fluent in Spanish. Although my closest friends may know this, I have had many peers hear me speak Spanish or help with homework, and their immediate response is, “Wait, you speak Spanish?” … Regardless, I am extremely happy and proud to be part of both cultures, but it always makes me laugh when people find out for the first time.

What brings you joy?

The first is being with friends, family and those closest around me. As humans, it’s so crucial for us to be around other humans, so when I am around my people, I obtain a sudden rush of joy. The second is being on the soccer field with my high school and club teammates … I couldn’t describe the feeling if I tried, but all I can describe is the pure joy of passing around a ball with my teammates, talking about whatever and then dialing in when needed.

What one item is always in your backpack?

… I always have extra pencils in my backpack because I either lose them, give them away or run out of lead.

What’s next after high school?

I want to continue my education at a university and then move on to medical school to become a surgeon.

What person in history would you like to invite to your graduation?

I would bring Jesus Christ to my graduation. I am Catholic, and along with that a firm believer in Christ, as he is my soul and lifeblood. Without Him, I would not know where to belong, how to act or how to treat others.

Extracurriculars, Clubs and Sports:
  • DECA
  • Golf
  • National Honor Society
  • Peer Tutoring
  • Piano
  • Soccer (high school and club)
  • Student Council
  • Student Ambassador
  • Tennis
  • Track and Field
Hasset Seid

Stillwater Area High School

Hasset Seid

“Academically, Hasset has consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic, intellectual curiosity and dedication to excellence. Hasset takes high-level academic classes and is currently taking college-level classes through the PSEO (Post Secondary Educational Options) program. Hasset’s commitment to her studies is evidenced by her impressive academic record, marked by consistently high grades and a genuine enthusiasm for learning. Beyond the classroom, Hasset has shown exceptional leadership and initiative as our school’s Black Student Union (BSU) president.

“In her role as president of the BSU, Hasset has been a tireless advocate for creating a safe and inclusive school environment where all students feel empowered to be their authentic selves … One of Hasset’s most notable achievements has been their coordination of the Black Student Panel, which provided a platform for meaningful dialogue and reflection on issues relevant to the Black student experience … Additionally, Hasset has been a staunch supporter of other student affinity groups, demonstrating a deep commitment to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion within our school community.” —Cornelius Rish, equity specialist, and Wayne Perkins, social studies teacher

What is an achievement that you are most proud of?

… The successful Black Student Union panel that we held in our school’s auditorium. A group of students from our club, including me and some other board members, had spent time putting together an informational and meaningful structured panel that would help enlighten both people of color and others within our school building. We touched on topics, ranging from texturism and colorism to how a nonperson of color can help support and be an ally to everyone in the school … Following the panel, a new club formed called the BIPOC Union, which is led by the board members of all the affinity (cultural) groups within the school and aims to bring awareness and change and improve the climate and culture at Stillwater Area High School.

What is something that your peers may not know about you?

… I actually wasn’t born in the United States, and I moved here when I was 4. My older sister and father both moved here the year I was born, and my mother and I followed a couple of years later from Ethiopia.

What person in history would you like to invite to your graduation?

Dorothy Lavinia Brown. She was the first ever Black women surgeon in the U.S., and I think that in itself speaks volumes.

What brings you joy?

Reading has always provided me with an escape when everything around me felt like it was in chaos.

What one item is always in your backpack?

A computer charger, because I always seem to forget that my computer needs to charge during the night, especially if I had been using it right before sleeping.

What’s next after high school?

… To major in biology or neuroscience. It has always been my dream to be either a neurosurgeon or pediatric surgeon.

Extracurriculars, Clubs and Sports:
  • BIPOC Union
  • Black Student Union
  • National Honors Society
  • Peer Helpers
  • Soccer
  • United Council
Rafaela (Rafi) Junqueira Conceicao Ravazzolo

East Ridge High School

Rafaela (Rafi) Junqueira Conceicao Ravazzolo

“Meet Rafaela (Rafi) Junqueira Conceicao Ravazzolo, a remarkable [student] at East Ridge High School whose life has been a tapestry of cultural richness and linguistic diversity. Fluent in English, Spanish and Portuguese, Rafi’s adolescent journey through Brazil, Peru, Russia, Dubai and the United States has molded her into a cultural chameleon. She stands out in her commitment to breaking down barriers. A mature participant in dismantling systemic obstacles, Rafi seamlessly collaborates with adults, exemplifying her dedication to fostering inclusivity and equity, particularly for students of color. Her unique experiences and determined spirit promise a future of impactful advocacy.

“… Rafi is a beacon of compassion and altruism. Her passion for helping others knows no bounds, and her heart seems to overflow with endless love. Gifted with high emotional intelligence, she is a deep feeler who effortlessly connects with those around her. Rafi’s adaptability and flexibility shine through as she integrates into diverse communities, leaving an indelible mark wherever she goes. She gives fiercely and freely, embodying a spirit of generosity without any expected return. Rafi’s journey is not just one of geographical exploration, but a testament to the transformative power of empathy and
selfless giving.” —Jim Smokrovich, principal

What is an achievement that you are most proud of?

High school has been about finding my voice and advocating for myself and for other marginalized students. In November of 2023, I wrote an email to the East Ridge administration, following the racial harm incident that had occurred in our school. The email was a call for action … I was lucky my email was received the way I wanted as I got to work closely with the administration staff to create solutions that make East Ridge a better place. Together, admin and student leaders from different clubs and organizations came together to form our student leadership coalition; a group where we strive to tackle institutional racism and inequality within our school. This group is still a work in progress, but we are determined for our sake and the sake of future generations to do better, hold each other accountable and seek change.

What person in history would you like to invite to your graduation?

… Billie Eilish. I love her music. Every song she creates resonates with me.

What brings you joy?

The inclusion center … Amid all the challenges and turmoil I’ve faced in high school, the inclusion center has always felt like a second home.

What’s next after high school?

… I want to major in some sort of biology/chemistry-related major like biochemistry, molecular biology, etc.

What is something that your peers may not know about you?

I consider myself a very empathetic person, and I care deeply about the people I’m close with … I’m also a very secure and grounded person … Living in different countries throughout my life has taught me to be independent and to not rely on others for my own happiness. I find peace in being alone and taking time to understand myself. It’s so freeing to know that no matter what happens, I’ll be there to take care of me. Being secure in myself has helped me raise my standards; I realize what I’m capable of and what I deserve, in friendships, relationships or even myself.

What one item is always in your backpack?

Headphones. I love listening to music. I can’t go a second without it.

Extracurriculars, Clubs and Sports:
  • Black Student Union
  • Close the Gap
  • Color Me Beautiful, president
  • Latinx Student Union, board member
  • National Art Honors Society
  • Soccer
  • Student Leadership Coalition
  • Track and Field
Blake Chirpich

New Life Academy

Blake Chirpich

“Blake has attended New Life Academy since kindergarten and has been a delight to watch grow in maturity as well as in the way he contributes to our community. He is always eager and willing to help teachers, staff or other students. In addition to his honors and AP level classes, he takes on leadership opportunities with enthusiasm, and his trustworthy character makes him a student staff can always count on.” —Melissa Kalinoff, academic dean

What is an achievement that you are most proud of?

In 10th grade, I had the privilege of winning a leadership award at our school’s end-of-the-year award ceremony [Blake notes that he was grateful to be presented with the leadership award again this past school year, in 11th grade.] … It was a true testament to who I am as a person. I love to be able to lead others to their own success. Being a leader isn’t all about taking charge and telling everyone how to do a specific task. It’s helping them to learn from mistakes and to better approach a given situation the next time. I hope for everyone in my class to one day become a strong leader in the future.

What is something that your peers may not know about you?

I have a guinea pig named Frito, and the story of how I got her isn’t your regular one … In seventh grade, right before spring break, my science teacher was looking for someone to take the class guinea pig home, and I offered to do so; unbeknownst [to me], I was in it for the long road. During that week, it was announced that a pandemic was beginning, COVID-19, and what was originally supposed to be a week’s adventure turned into a whole lot more. After COVID had subdued, I had grown so attached to Frito, I was allowed to keep her rather than returning her … To this day, I still have her, and we have formed an amazing connection.

What person in history would you like to invite to your graduation?

Ronald Reagan.

What brings you joy?

Traveling. I love being able to take in all of the new sights and look into the history of that travel location. But I especially enjoy my family that comes with me on the trips. They are the ones that make the trip more special …

What one item is always in your backpack?

A random green pen. I have no clue where it came from, but for some reason, it’s been with me since freshman year. It still hasn’t run out of ink—yet.

What’s next after high school?

I will be attending a Christian university … I am planning to study either political science or a career in the health field.

Extracurriculars, Clubs and Sports:
  • Golf, captain
  • Knowledge Bowl Club
  • Model UN
  • National Honor Society
  • Strength Training Club
  • Student Ambassador
  • Student Council, president
  • Theater, lighting and technical support
  • Varsity Soccer, manager
  • Writing Center

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