Meet the Woodbury Resident Behind Live Brave

by | Jul 2023

Alice Halvorson

Photo: Alice Halvorson

On August 12, Woodbury streets and trails will be filled with the sound of running shoes pounding the pavement. This is the annual Live Brave 5K and 1 Mile: a national-level event in support of youth eating disorder prevention and recovery. For Alice Halvorson, Woodbury resident and co-founder of Live Brave, the project is deeply personal. An eating disorder survivor, Halvorson has built a passion-driven career in amplifying health and wellness across our community. Her partnership with the City of Woodbury and the Woodbury Community Foundation has expanded access to adult fitness programs. But making a difference for kids comes first. She says, “Prevention is a very hard thing to do. We help parents, coaches, teachers [and] doctors to have the hard conversations, ditch diet culture and reach young minds.”

Kevin Gilboe is a volunteer with the Woodbury Community Foundation. Find more at


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