Elroi Yonatan is one of East Ridge High School’s rising seniors.
Woodbury’s class of 2021 is busier than ever, juggling classes and clubs with sports and jobs. But they all have their favorite things, too—favorite memories, subjects, people and actors—and things that might just surprise their peers. We sat down with a few of Woodbury’s rising seniors to find out a little bit more about their life inside, and outside, the classroom. Read about the other students here: Natalie Freisinger, Owen Kuckler, Abigail Musherure, Anita Chetty
Elroi Yonatan, East Ridge High School
Woodbury Magazine: What has been your favorite (and most challenging) class?
Elroi Yonatan: I recently started to like science, especially chemistry. But also, English and orchestra. My hardest class … They all have challenges, but one that particularly stands out is pre-calculus. You look at it, and it’s not even math!
WM: What accomplishment are you most proud of?
EY: My improvement from freshman and sophomore year to now. My GPA was not good whatsoever, and now I’m averaging a [high 3.0] GPA in junior year, the hardest year.
WM: What is one thing your peers may not know about you?
EY: Well, I’m quite an open book. I don’t keep things hidden, so I think everyone knows the real me.
WM: Who’s your favorite actor?
EY: Tiffany Haddish, who represents my Eritrean culture, or Octavia Spencer.
WM: What could you not live without?
EY: My headphones. I need music … It leads me. And my mom.
WM: What advice would you give to your younger self?
EY: Sometimes you just have to keep quiet … I talk too much … I need a filter, because I don’t have one and I say what I want to say.
WM: What’s your favorite high school memory thus far?
EY: I usually sing the National Anthem for the sporting events … I once forgot the words, but it was a great experience because now I know what it’s like to be humiliated. The next day was horrific, but it was funny. I look back and laugh it off.
WM: What are your post-high school plans?
EY: My dream school is the University of Minnesota. I’m not sure what I want to study, but I want to be a boss and start my own company.
Activities and clubs: Track and field, speech, debate, color me beautiful, black student union, board member of link crew, student council, philosophy club, ski club, prom and homecoming committee, diversity club, German club, Africa club and more.