Vintage Wedding Photos

by | Feb 2025

Vintage Woodbury Wedding Photo

Photo: Patty (Stutzman) Paulus

One would think that even in vintage wedding photos that the bride and groom would smile at one another while getting married. But in looking through the many black and white wedding photos found in the Woodbury Heritage Society’s archives, a wedding in those days appeared to be a very serious event. What is also intriguing is the various faux painted backdrops the bride and groom were photographed in front of for their official wedding photo.

Most couples were married in a church, but some went to a studio in St. Paul to have a wedding photo taken. In the studio, there were backdrops of various scenes that were used for the photos. Even today, a wide variety of backdrops can be purchased to create that “perfect” wedding photo. A couple may choose to be photographed in front of a vintage castle wall or below a fantasy starry sky in a medieval gallery.

Patty (Stutzman) Paulus is a Woodbury Heritage Society Board Member. Discover more at


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