When Are Dogs Considered Old?

by | Aug 2019

A vet examines a dog, attempting to answer the question, When is a dog considered old?


Woodbury pet expert answers a question about senior dogs.
Pet Parent Question:

“My dog is 10 years old and doesn’t seem to be slowing down at all. When will I see changes related to aging?”

When dogs are 7 years old, they are officially considered senior dogs. Smaller breeds tend to live longer than larger breeds, and, of course, variables exist with specific breeds. As your dog ages, you might notice things like gradual hearing loss, impaired vision or becoming more selective about diet. Enjoy the journey and always be there for your dog to the very end. Your dog has always been there for you.

Donna Chicone is an award-winning author, TEDx speaker and advocate for dogs. She lives in Woodbury with her husband and dogs. You might find her engaged in pet-assisted therapy work.


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