Belwin Conservancy invites you to join its annual event.
December 21 marks the winter solstice—and Belwin Conservancy is celebrating the winter season the evening before (December 20) with its annual Winter Solstice Bonfire from 5–8 p.m.
To honor the longest night of the year, visit the Belwin Conservancy at Lucy Winton Bell Athletic Fields, 15601 Hudson Road N., Lakeland, for live music, storytelling, guided night hikes, cookies and hot cider, a prairie labyrinth—plus the tremendous bonfire! Tickets, sold on a sliding scale ($10, $20 or $35 per car), must be purchased in advance.
The event will take place regardless of weather, excluding the bonfire, which is weather dependent. No dogs or alcoholic beverages are allowed at this event.
Tickets are available for purchase at belwin.org.