Golden Retriever on a couch.

Photo: Chris Emeott

If you’re hosting guests this November and December, you’ll want to ensure your house and your family are prepared for the rush of it all. Often forgotten about are our furry friends—after all, it’s their holiday season, too! Follow these tips to get your pets in their best shape.

  • Make sure your pet is properly groomed for guests—they’ll thank you for having your pet’s nails and other sensitive areas tended to! If you can’t get an appointment with your regular groomer, an at-home tubby a day before guests arrive will do in a pinch.
  • If your pet isn’t used to wearing a cable knit sweater, bow tie/fur bow or pleated dress, don’t start now.
  • Make sure the food and treat bins are properly stocked, so you’re not forced to deviate from your pet’s regular diet.
  • If your pet uses the front lawn for its regular potty stop, tidy up the area before guests arrive. White snow provides a high-contrast color for … you get the picture.

For more holiday preplanning tips, visit our holiday hosting guide.


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