Enjoy a Cut Flower Garden

by | Aug 2024

Photos: Endless Summer® Hydrangeas Bouquet

Photos: Endless Summer® Hydrangeas/Tracy Walsh

I love flower arrangements in my space, and in summertime I love to cut flowers and foliage straight from the garden to create my own or add to the flowers I’ve bought at the store. Here are some tips for how you can extend the beauty of your garden indoors.

  • Use a clean, sharp pair of pruners, and wash your vase before arranging.
  • Cut from the garden when it’s cooler, either in the early morning or evening.
  • Cut flowering plants that are just budded and starting to open. Hydrangeas are an exception, as you want to cut blooms that are getting a little crunchy and are in full color with no white showing unless it’s a white-blooming hydrangea.
  • Remove foliage up to the water line in your vase.
  • An arrangement featuring hydrangea blooms is gorgeous and made more so by adding foliage. Cut stems from your favorite shrubs, like ninebark and dogwood, or ornamental grasses to add dimension to your creations.

Gretchen McNaughton is the communications and content strategist at Bailey Nurseries. Learn more at endlesssummerhydrangeas.com.


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