Does My Dog Really Need Walks?

by | Jan 2020

A woman walks two dogs.


Our resident pet expert answers a common question: Do walks really make a difference?

Pet Parent Question: “My dog is overweight. Do daily walks really make a difference?”

Obesity is the number one health concern for humans and for canines. We all need to get up and move more. Dogs love to be with their pet parent, and what better way to be together? Be mindful of weather that’s too cold or too hot. If you are comfortable outside, your dog will be too. I recommend a walking harness. A harness gives the dog more opportunity to sniff and explore with you in control of their body. You also eliminate any damage to the neck and trachea, which happens with a leash attached to a neck collar. Walking with your dog also gives you time together to enjoy the fresh air and nature. It can be a calming experience for both of you and a time to develop the bond in your relationship.

Donna Chicone is an award-winning author, TEDx speaker and advocate for dogs. She lives in Woodbury. You might find her engaged in pet-assisted therapy work.


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