Meet the Woman Behind SoWashCo CARES

by | Jun 2023

Cheryl Jogger

Photo: Cheryl Jogger

Science was the first calling for Cheryl Jogger, Ph.D., who earned a doctorate in virology with a vision of helping people through medical breakthroughs. But being behind the scenes didn’t offer a sense of direct impact. “I really believe in the small things that can change a life—for a kid to have a winter coat that actually fits means the world to them,” she says.

Founding SoWashCo CARES in 2016, Jogger set out to solve a challenge faced by all communities: ensuring that every student feels supported and prepared to succeed. “There’s a preconception that there aren’t a lot of needs in Woodbury,” she says. “But with at least 100 kids who are qualified as homeless, we need to raise awareness.”

Jogger is quick to recognize the community as a key partner and a place to build a bigger mission. “This is a very generous community—I’m finding a lot of fulfillment in this new version of my career,” she says.

Kevin Gilboe is a volunteer with the Woodbury Community Foundation. Find more at


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