Katie and John Walt. Photo: Bullseye Media
Nonprofit strives to find a forever family for every child.
Don your finest suits and most glamorous dresses as The Reel Hope Project rolls out the red carpet for its annual Night at the Oscars gala.
The Minneapolis-based nonprofit has a mission of finding a family for children currently in foster care across the state of Minnesota; “There are approximately 1,000 children whose parental rights have been terminated, and they cannot return home,” says Erica Lotzer, The Reel Hope Project executive assistant. “These kids face one of two realities: adoption or aging out of the foster care system.”
With a hope to adopt children out to families, The Reel Hope Project features two-minute “reels” of children in foster care. “We are the only organization of our kind in Minnesota, reshaping adoption recruitment through the power of video,” Lotzer says.
Taking place at Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, the Night at the Oscars invites guests to enjoy complimentary drinks and hors d’oeuvres before the premier of its mini-film highlighting stories of hope. All proceeds raised go toward The Reel Hope Project.
Reservations are required by October 1. Guests who are unable to attend are encouraged to make a donation at give.thereelhopeproject.org.
All ages. $20. 6–10 p.m. Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, 9060 Hudson Road; thereelhopeprojectnightattheoscars2023.eventbrite.com