Welcome to the April 2023 Issue

by | Apr 2023

April 2023 Woodbury Magazine

When my parents moved my sister and me to Woodbury in March 2003, it was one of the fastest growing communities in Minnesota. There were just a few shopping centers—Valley Creek Mall, The Shoppes of Woodbury Village and a small, but mighty, Tamarack Village—and eastern Woodbury was still actively serving as farmland. Of course, the entire city has since flourished into highly sought after residential neighborhoods, and new businesses are blossoming.

Woodbury’s residential boom had a historic impact on the city, and in this homes issue, we’re connecting with Woodbury’s history in a special way. I spoke with area resident Joe Kielbasa and Deborah Rose of Prelude Village about the historic McHattie Farmstead—Woodbury’s first homestead—which has since been turned into a senior living community. It was special to learn about our community’s grand history, something which Kielbasa and Rose are working to preserve. Read The History Behind a Woodbury Homestead to learn more.

March 20 marked the first day of spring—but we all know that a Minnesota spring doesn’t come around until the end of April. I, for one, am looking forward to the melting of the snow, the warmer temperatures and the sound of birds chirping once again. (I’m also hoping that there isn’t a fluke snowstorm this month!) It seems Woodbury, too, is preparing for spring with the opening of Legacy Pickleball Club and the renting of backyard pools—yes, really.

Readers, I pose a question to you: How are you contributing to Woodbury’s history? I want to hear it! Send me a line at hailey@localmedia.co with your community contributions.

-Hailey Almsted

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