A home-organization trend can also help with downsizing.
Moving and downsizing can be stressful. How do you scale back years of accumulated stuff and decide what works in your new home? My husband and I downsized from the home we had built for our family of seven. I was excited—it was more about us, and less about a house full of kids and hockey bags. We’d always built new homes and had the gift of being able to design them; this was the first time I had to figure out how to fit into a home that was already built, and a lot smaller. We started months in advance, selling what we could and donating truckloads to charities. I recently discovered a Netflix show that I wish I knew about when we were moving. It’s Tidying Up, with organization expert Marie Kondo.
Before a downsize move, start tidying several months in advance. At Interior Impressions, we help clients plan items they will bring to their new home. Often, we collaborate with professional organizers and closet designers. We develop design plans to harmoniously blend the old and new.
Amy Leferink is the principal designer and owner of Interior Impressions and Woodbury Blinds. She’s been helping clients make their homes a place they love to be for more than 25 years.