Photo: City of Woodbury
End the summer with an experience like no other.
The City of Woodbury and City of Cottage Grove parks and recreation departments are teaming up to bring back a beloved family event for the third year in a row, the Zombie Apocalpyse Chase, hosted from 8–9 p.m. August 10. Children ages 6–12 are on a mission to find “plutonium rocks” hidden around Carver Lake Park—home to mad scientists, who are trying to prevent you from finding the plutonium!
“Our staff dresses up as mad scientists, who are chasing after the kids as they go and find the plutonium rocks, which are plastic eggs,” says Anna Kemper, recreation program specialist for the City of Woodbury.
The event consists of three chase rounds, which includes carnival games and obstacle courses; each round is 15 minutes and is followed by a water break. “At the end of the zombie chase, the participants receive a yummy treat,” Kemper says.
For more information and to register, visit woodburymn.gov. City of Woodbury, 8301 Valley Creek Road; 651.714.3500; woodburymn.gov