A book perfect for hitting the beach. Despite the sunshine-evoking title, this contemporary romantic comedy is a fun read no matter the season. The...
Book Club
What to Read: ‘The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter’ Rewrites Classic Horror
"The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter" is the perfect fall read. Theodora Goss’ The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter rewrites the...
Local Author’s New Novel ‘Salvation Station’ is the Perfect Halloween Read
Published earlier this year, Kathryn Schleich’s new novel Salvation Station is perfect for mystery and crime fiction lovers. As the temperature...
Recommended Reading: ‘Relish’
Dive into Lucy Knisley’s memoir. Lucy Knisley knows a great deal about two things: food and comics. Her two passions perfectly align in the graphic...
Recommended Reading: ‘The Poppy Wife’ is Vivid Historical Fiction
The Poppy Wife gives readers a full glimpse into life during and after World War I. When World War I ended, hundreds of families were left with...
Recommended Reading: ‘Goodbye, Vitamin’ is a Hilarious, Heartbreaking Debut
Rachel Khong's debut novel was one of NPR's best books of 2017. “Today you asked why we say there’s a cloudless sky but never a cloudFUL sky.” When...
Book Club Bonds Over Michelle Obama’s ‘Becoming’
Sheletta Brundidge of Two Haute Mamas shares how a good book and a few friends can make a big impact. When Sheletta Brundidge gifted her girlfriends...