Acupuncture Woodbury provides a natural way of healing the body. The health of the human body revolves around its interactions with the surrounding...
Healing Hemp
The CBD Centers of Woodbury open their doors, and people’s minds, to the possibility of responsible CBD use. Ever since his start in the field of...
Essential Info about Essential Oils
Do these wildly popular remedies really work? Humans in most every culture have long sought the potential benefits of medicinal plants. In...
Woodwinds Hospital Offers Plenty of Resources for New Parents in Woodbury
With so many options, new Woodbury parents are spoiled for choice from labor to postpartum care. M Health Fairview: Woodwinds Hospital has spent the...
Local Food and Nutrition Experts Serve Up a Healthy Holiday Menu
Survive the six weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas by creating healthy, alternative dishes. “Why are you making a turkey? Half your guests are...
75-Year-Old Fitness Enthusiast’s Advice: ‘Just Keep Moving’
At 75, Polly Kegler is a lifter at UpLift with a changed attitude about health. Time rolls along for all those lucky enough to live a long life. An...
The Key to a Healthy Lifestyle? Consistency
How to build consistency into your wellness habits. Routines are so helpful when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. We have three core...
How to Make Your Cat Happy and Healthy
September is Happy Healthy Cat Month. And while cats are notoriously independent, owners can increase a cat’s quality and enjoyment of life by...
Whether Swimming or Sunning, Stay Safe This Summer with These Tips
Experts from Woodbury YMCA share tips for keeping your whole family healthy—and safe—in the sun this summer. Woodbury YMCA was voted Best Fitness...
Cue, Routine, Reward: How to Develop Healthy Habits
What’s the key to making healthy habits stick? How do healthy people stay healthy? They make it easy on themselves. They develop habits that are...
Woodbury Doctor Hopes to End Stigma of Talking About Women’s Pelvic Health
Woodbury physician focuses on women’s pelvic health— and breaking taboos. Growing up in Woodbury, Emily Myer, MD, knew she wanted a career helping...
Easy, Realistic Tips for Losing Weight
Realistic steps for starting the journey. Wanting to lose weight is a far cry from losing weight. It’s easy to make excuses for skipping your...
Get Better, Simply
Woodbury’s Orthology helps with physical therapy in a straightforward way. When a patient is told they need surgery, there aren’t many who look...