
Three Local Girl Scouts Cultivate Connection

Three Girl Scouts bring a sense of pride and purpose to a senior living community. For the residents at Artis Senior Living of Woodbury, summers will look a bit more colorful (and fragrant) courtesy of a group of local Girl Scouts. Troop #58006 cadettes Saahithi...
Beauty and Endurance

Beauty and Endurance

Blaise Pascal, a polymath of the 1600s, said even a genius needs beauty, noting, “In difficult times, carry something beautiful in your heart.”...

Treasuring Uniqueness

Treasuring Uniqueness

Dementia Partners Woodbury provides resources and services for individuals with dementia. November is alzheimer's awareness month, and with a desire...

We Need to Talk

We Need to Talk

Important conversations about aging. Adult children between the ages of 30 and 50 can find it daunting to navigate the conversation minefield that...

Moxie in Aging

Moxie in Aging

Delightful encounters await you in your golden years, according to our elders—and they have lived long enough to know. Stinky cheese, scotch, some...

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